To help attendees better prepare for the meeting, the DMCB is pleased to offer this Lettermanesque "Top Ten" of things you may, or may not, see at the Forum12:
10. Someone genuflects upon hearing the term "CMS Innovation Center."
9. Only healthful fruit is served at one of the meeting breaks; in response, attendees riot.
8. A DMCB YouTube video is embedded in session PowerPoint (hey, it's happened).
7. Three quarters of the attendees sitting in on a session are from the presenting faculty's company.
6. Someone shows up at an early morning pre-meeting yoga class dressed in business attire, thinking it was a presentation on the return on investment from an employee yoga program.
5. The term "engagement" is used 20 times by a presenter in the course of ten minutes.
4. One faculty member hits a "presenter's trifecta": 1) arrival flight lands on time 1/2 hour prior to the presentation, 2) he or she finds the meeting room within minutes and 3) catches the departure flight 1/2 hour after the end of the presentation.
3. The imposing booming disembodied voice asking you to take your seat at a plenary session is that of a female. With attitude.
2. The competition between the exhibitors for your attention becomes so intense, one offers free beer. Others follow suit.
1. The DMCB spouse "crowdsurfs" one of the plenary sessions.