The DMCB has since reviewed its Presidential debate notes and offers up this additional mix of dysfunctional debate-induced behaviors:
Conhomie: the pseudo-bonhomie manifested by a warm handshake and smiling embrace by two individuals who really detest each other.
HannibalLectern: what a debater afflicted with conhomie stands behind while he secretly wishes he could rip out the liver of his opponent.
Ropadebateadope: an inability to answer simple questions posed by a debate moderator.
Lehrerosis: the sudden onset of muteness caused by the excessive blabbering of another person.
90-billionate: using a previously unknown, unused and untrue statistic to undermine an opponent.
Denver Fever: a life-threatening triad of hyperventilation, anxiety and sputtering precipitated by the underperformance of a favored debater. Also known as the "MSNBC Vapors."
Obamaprize: the nasty surprise experienced by sitting Presidents who underestimate a political enemy.
Romneyize: overwhelming an opponent with a barrage of lies, damned lies and statistics.
The DMCB looks forward to the next one.